A team representing Seagate Rotary took part in the Trades AmAm golf at Bogside on Sunday. Suffice it to say that they were neither first or last, nor did they win the raffle, but it is the taking part that counts.
On Monday President Adam Moonie presented a cheque to Maisie Hamilton of the charity Funding Neuro. A speaker from the charity spoke at the club recently, describing the very advanced research and clinical trials they carry out on new treatments for brain tumours and degenerative disorders such as Parkinsons.
Monday was a club business night and the various committees noted their future plans. The club will be launching a membership recruitment drive in October. Various social events are in the pipeline, and the can collection for the old folks Xmas hampers is already under way. To round off the month’s meetings, Sandy Niven won the charity raffle, going home with a bottle of gin that has a colour similar to methylated spirits, but is apparently safe to drink in small quantities.