On Monday Seagate Rotary President John Brown presented a cheque to George McLachlan of Ayrshire Heartstart. Heartstart run free 2 hour classes in first aid and resuscitation techniques at the Ayrshire Central Hospital in Irvine, and can be contacted on 323478. They gave a demonstration at Seagate earlier in the summer.
Speaker on Monday was Betty Weir from Bourtreehill and Broomlands Age Concern. Betty was a founder of this group, one of 200 in Scotland, when it was inaugurated in 1976, and she outlined their history and activities.
Mainly supported by donations and fundraising, they currently have 19 volunteers and provide up to 40 hot lunches a day for vulnerable elderly folk, including home delivery for some. They have premises in the Village Centre in Bourtreehill, and their area also includes Springside and Girdle Toll. They also organise social outings and events, and have regular exercise classes and craft work groups. There were many questions, and a Vote of Thanks was proposed by Allan Morrison.