The life and times of Ralph Davies


The Life and Times of Ralph Davies


Ralph was brought up in a little village in West Wales called Neyland. After leaving Pembroke Grammar School Ralph embarked on an amazing career as a Civil Servant, Company Secretary and Lawyer.

After a break for National Service, whilst working in London, he met and married Elizabeth.

In 1977 Ralph secured a job with a law firm in Bermuda which managed offshore tax haven activities. Ralph, Elizabeth and their two children enjoyed three marvellous years there.

On returning to England he worked for The London Midland Industrial Group and then for British Rail assisting with the disposal of Sealink.

Ralph then enjoyed some 10 years with House of Fraser, owners of Harrods. He and Elizabeth particularly enjoyed the social side, attending The Windsor Horse Show, visiting the Fayed`s castle in Scotland and various other events.

Finally Ralph was appointed to the board of a company set up to invest the £300 million from the sale of The Provincial Insurance Group by the Scott family. When Ralph retired in 2004 they were handling over £1 billion of funds for the Scott family and other wealthy families.

As usual a superb presentation by one of our members.

Vic French

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