Steak and Bowls at the Grove in Leominster

Wed, Aug 31st 2016 at 6:45 pm - 9:30 pm

We enjoyed a steak and chips meal followed by a game of 10 pin bowls all for £10....

We always enjoy these sort of social events and this was no exception. We had a good turn up with 16 members and 6 welcome guests sharing the evening with us. The steak and chips were tasty and the bowls competition fierce ( well maybe not??) with the usual number of glorious gutters and a few exciting strikes and spares.... Cath won but possibly had an advantage when the lane played up and they had to be moved......A good evening was had by all and we look forward to the next one on November 30th! 

Cathy JonesContact Cathy Jones about this page:

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