Masizame 2016

In December 2015, we donated £500 for school uniforms to the Masizame Children's Shelter. Our support for the centre has recently been recognised in an email to our club.

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A Uniform Thank You

The Masizame Child and Youth Care Centre in Kwanokuthia, South Africa has been protecting children since 1992.

In 2014 it received  over £1,000 in our club’s name to fund school uniforms, helping enable the children’s wish to attend school.  In December 2015, we donated another £500.  (Members may recall that Peter and Wendy Greene, personally visited the centre in Plettenberg  Bay in December 2014.)

Our support for the  has been recognised in an email to our club and we are delighted to circulate it in our newsletter for all club members and friends to read.

Nicholas Coleman, Marketing and PR Officer for the Centre, writes:  “The staff and children of the Masizame Child & Youth Centre would like to thank you for the generous donation of R 10,772 for  the purchase of school uniforms for the children. We are firm believers in the power of education and uphold the rights of our children to receive an education by ensuring that all school going residents of the Masizame CYCC attend formal schooling.

I am delighted to announce that all the children have attended school without disruption in the school year. With the exception of three special needs children, all the others are holding their own and progressing as per standard at school. Some who were really struggling in Term 1, had tears of joy when they passed their Term 2 assessments.  “The school uniforms you sponsored last year, made a tremendous impact on their self-esteem. From their first day, their self-image has given them the confidence to face their schooling challenges.  Our photographs of them on their first day at school say it all.

Our need for school uniforms is a year-end priority  Which is why we appreciate your Club’s kind donation of £500 for 2016,  We are preparing for three new intakes into residential care and our existing children will need new uniforms.  We do redistribute any too-small or past uniforms, laundered, to other community welfare organisations.

We thank The Rotary Club of Billericay for helping to protect and educate the vulnerable children of Plettenberg Bay through such donations.”

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