Burns Night

Rotarians and guests enjoy a great evening at Ely City Golf Club celebrating the birthday of Scottish bard, Rabbie Burns

The Club members and guests enjoyed a very Scottish fayre at Ely City Golf Club of Cock-a-leekie soup, Haggis Neeps and Tatties and Cranichan.

Celebrating the Scottish Bards birthday, Rtn Geoff Fisher delivered the Selkirk grace (English version), Rtn Iain Sutherland addressed the Haggis ( scottish version). President Bruce Golson gave the toast to the lassies and Rtn Lynne Turner replied with a toast to the laddies.

The raffle in aid of overseas charities raises £146 on the night - thanks to everyone for their contributions

It was great to see so many guests attending from young to old - a very enjoyable eveining

Final thanks goes to Rtn Stuart Cavanagh and his team for this years organisation and to Rtn Monty Bridgeman for securing this excellent venue for the evening.

Great fellowship all round.

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