Tiger Sharks win Youth Challenge 2016

Sun, Apr 17th 2016 at 10:00 am - 2:30 pm

The "Challenge" aims to encourage competition and friendly rivalry between local community youth groups for prizes up to £500. The Youth Challenge is hosted by both Rotary Clubs of Royal Wootton Bassett.

Rotary Youth Challenge - Sunday 17th April 2016

Sunday the 17th of April saw the 4th Annual RWB Rotary Youth Challenge, hosted and funded by both of the town’s Rotary clubs. This took place at RWB Academy with the kind permission of G4S.

Teams of 6 from local youth groups including Guides, Otters, Tiger Sharks ASC, Lyneham Air Scouts and Royal Wootton Bassett School of Dance competed head to head for the 2016 winning title and prize money to support their organisation.

The day consisted of a series of mental and physical challenges prior to a provided lunch and the afternoon was rounded off the with a grand decider testing  their planning and engineering skills when attempting to get hollow chocolate eggs from the 1st to the ground floor whilst remaining intact and using only the limited provided kit.

This year saw our reigning champions of the last 2 years, The Royal Wootton Bassett School of Dance beaten into 2nd place by the narrowest of margins by a team from Tiger Sharks ASC. The £500 for 1st place and £50 for their second participating team was a welcome boost to their current fundraising to enable the squad to attend a training camp in Barcelona. The Royal Wootton Bassett School of Dance through achieving 2nd place secured £250 and a further £50 for their second participating team. All further teams were also awarded participation prizes of £50.

Both Rotary Clubs thank all the teams who participated and their Youth leaders for supporting this event and all for their enthusiasm and showing great gamesmanship. We look forward to welcoming all back next year along with entrants from further local youth groups. 

If you wish to learn more about this event or to register in advance for the 2017 event for one of the limited places please contact Ceri or Kyle at RWBRotaryEvents@gmail.com

The Challenge is made possible with the help and assistance of the RWB Academy and G4S for permitting the event to be hosted at the school and also the RWB Town Council for their assistance with equipment and setup.

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