
Many young people are participants in Rotary’s youth and young adult programmes, such as RotaKids, Interact, Rotaract, and Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA)

Rotary clubs also promote competitions, such as Young Writer and Young Photographer at local, area and national levels.  

Rotary Elgin continue to sponsor candidates to attend RYLA and hold an annual Primary School Quiz. We hope to develop further our own local Elgin Rotary Leadership Initiative (ERLI) to include additional schools to provide young people with this valuable training opportunity.


Rotary Elgin continue to work with our sponsor club Rotaract Moray. 

Rotaract is an opportunity to be part of a fun, dynamic and unique International organisation for people aged 18-30, offering a wide range of activities that will enable you to try something new, whilst having a great time and meeting others.

Rotaract meetings on the first and third Monday of every month at 7:30pm, the venue can change, however please contact Rotaract directly by e-mail at or visit for more information. Follow them on facebook Rotaract Moray.


Rotary Elgin and in conjunction with Elgin Youth Cafe will be starting an Interact Club at The Warehouse.

Interact is an organisation which offers young people aged 12-18 great opportunities to broaden their horizons, make friends and help others.

Interested? Please contact

More details on meetings will follow, please follow our facebook page ElginRotaryClub.


Rotary Elgin now support five Rotakids Clubs at New Elgin, Knockando, Bishopmill, Seafield and Mosstowie Primary Schools.

Refer our Related pages to see what they have been up to!

Previously RotaKids from New Elgin and Knockando Primary Schools have made a trip to Banff acting as Ambassadors for RotaKids encouraging new schools to get involved.

Primary Schools Quiz

The Primary Schools Quiz is a competition for Primary 7 Pupils. 

Rotary Elgin invite schools within their catchment area to take part in a general quiz, the winners of which go on to an Area competition.


Rotary Youth Leadership Awards

This is a leadership development programme which focusses on young people aged from 16-17 years. RYLA is a residential event over 7 days involving many outdoor activities and covers a variety of topics including

  • Leadership fundamentals and ethics
  • Communications skills
  • Problem solving and conflict management
  • Community and global citizenship

Rotary Elgin currently sponsors two young people to attend each year

Not sure if it’s for you? The Club recently heard from Ellen who had attended RYLA as a participant in 2018 and returned this year as a mentor.

She said: “I was 17 when I went to Abernethy. It was advertised through school and I just remember thinking it would be something a bit different. It was just great fun. It was challenging and it’s not designed to be easy, but you meet great people and there is a great support.

“One of my highlights was the day that I had to lead the group. It was great getting the feedback and seeing how the skills I learnt could be transferred to my daily life. It really felt like a great achievement.”

Talking about returning as a mentor, Ellen who is now a junior doctor in Edinburgh added: “It was brilliant to go back and see the impact that the experience has and know that RYLA is still having a positive impact. I really enjoyed it.”

Interviews will be held later in the year, so don’t miss out and get your application in. If you have any questions then please click on the link below to get in touch and happy to chat through with you.

For more information see  HOME | Ryla1010


Ian BrodieContact Ian Brodie about this page:

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(If you are a Rotarian, please name your club.)

Youth pages:

Linkwood Primary School RotaKids


Youth Competitions

more Are you are interested in either performing music, writing, cooking, photography or the environment – and you are aged between 7 and 17 years? Then why not enter one of the competitions being promoted by Rotary Elgin.

Rotaract Moray

more What they have been up to!

Knockando Rotakids

more Knockando Rotakids Certificate Presentation with President Andy Jamieson

Bishopmill RotaKids

more Receiving their charter

Mosstowie Primary School RotaKids Club

more New club formed November 2018

New Elgin Rotakids

more Elgin's first Rotatkids Club