Walk for Polio

Sun, Jul 19th 2015 at 12:05 pm - 4:30 pm

Walk with lunch details to follow

Rotary Club of Birstall Luddites
End Polio now Walk
On Sunday 19th July Rotarians and friends led by organiser Rotarian
Robert Jackson took part in the clubs "start of President Margarets year" walk.
Walkers assembled at Oakwell Hall 12:15 to start the walk which routed around Driglington to end at Ives Farm for a Farmhouse Breakfast 14:30.

Quotes from Robert:-
" Each year we celebrate the start of the new Rotary year with a walk.  This year the "End Polio Now" walk went ahead on a blowing, cool breezy day, the rain in the early morning held off & we were all dry shod.  The £100-00 raised for EPN will have £2-00 for each £1-00 added by the Gates Foundation so we 15 persons raised £300-00 altogether. I must mention the Farmhouse Breakfast [some of us had salads!] afterwards @ Ives Farm which was great as always!!!. "

Big thanks to Robert for organising and leading the walk.

 On July 14th Robert gave the club the current world polio figurers:-

To:    All interested parties in the global number of polio cases reported
Three WPV1 cases last week, two in Pakistan and one in Afghanistan. No cVDPV cases reported. The global summary is:
WPV1 cases:
33 cases have been reported this year vs. 122 cases at the same time in 2014. (30% of 2014 position.)
  • 28 cases in Pakistan vs. 94 cases at the same time last year. (29% of 2014 position.)
  • 5 cases in Afghanistan vs. 8 cases at the same time last year. (63%  of 2014 position.)
  • No cases in Nigeria since 24 July 2014. At the same time last year 5 cases had been reported. (>2% of all the cases last year.)
  • No cases in any of the 6 non-endemic countries that reported cases in 2014 vs.15 cases at the same time in that year. (79% of the cases in the endemic countries last year.)
WPV2 cases: No cases have been reported since October 1999. (In Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh.)
WPV3 cases: No cases reported since 10 November 2012. (In Nigeria.)
cVDPV1 cases: Eight cases this year in Madagascar. (One case reported last year with onset of paralysis on 11 November 2014.)
cVDPV2 cases: One case this year vs. 53 cases in 2014 for the full year.

Various internet reports suggest the WPV1 case incidence this year is less than one per week but these neglect to take account of the reporting time lag. (The case reported in Afghanistan had onset of paralysis on 7 June.) Nevertheless it is a very low polio incidence although the high transmission season has yet to start.
As many of you know, today 11 Aug marks one year since the entire continent of Africa last reported a case of polio. The UK’s Guardian newspaper has published a news story on the milestone which quotes Carol Pandak: http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2015/aug/11/africa-year-free-polio-giant-step-towards-eradication. The story names Rotary one of the biggest donors to polio eradication, specifically calling out our $688.5 million in donations to fight polio in Africa.

Robert JacksonContact Robert Jackson about this page:

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