Nepal Earthquake

Nepal has had an horrific month

Devastation in Nepal - thanks to Shelterbox for the photograph
Devastation in Nepal - thanks to Shelterbox for the photograph

having been hit by at least 2 major earthquakes, causing serious damege to the infrastructure, over 7,000 deaths and many thousand more rendered homeless.

The club has added an additional £750 to Shelterbox and Waterbox who have people on the ground assessing what is needed.Rotary GB&I have set up a Disaster Foundation account - if anyone, member or visitor to the website would like to amke a donation, please contact our treasurer on the link below.

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Devastation in Nepal - thanks to Shelterbox for the photograph

Fund Raising

back Our Fund Raising committee is probably the most important committee in the club - if we don't raise the money we can't help any good causes out when they need it.