Macmillan Cancer Support - December 2014

Rotary Club collects for M C S

Ingatestone Rotary collection for Macmillan

Cancer Support - 20th December 2014

This is the second year that Ingatestone Rotarians have held a Christmas collection for Macmillan Cancer Support at the Sainsbury's Springfield store and both have proved to be very successful, with 2,752 raised last year and £2,601 on Saturday 20th December. Thanks to the generosity of Sainsbury's customers and, of course, to Sainsbury's for allowing us to carry out the event.

Very many thanks go to to all 25 volunteers who participated in the collection and particularly to Andrew Clarkson and Ron Went who both performed sterling service as Santa, for a total of five hours each.

We had a total of 25 members and wives working in teams throughout the day, comprising Santa with a handful of his snowmen helpers, who distributed the contents of 19 tins of Celebrations and Quality Street to Sainsbury's customers. This gesture seems to have been well received and, no doubt, added to the fun of the occasion.

I think we were all generally of a view that today's footfall through the doors was a bit lower than we might have expected at this time of year and we were therefore delighted that, overall, we still collected a sum of £2,601 which will be sent to Macmillan Cancer Support. This also means that, over the seven years the Rotary Club of Ingatestone has been carrying out its Christmas supermarket collections for Macmillan, the club has managed to donate to them a total of £15,202.

Well done to everyone.

Apart from organising such a successful fundraiser, Ron Elliston still had time to take a few photographs, which give a small taste of us of in action at Sainsbury's. Apologies from Ron to all those unrecorded volunteers on whom his lens failed to alight.

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