2014 Remembrance Parade

Sun, Nov 9th 2014 at 12:00 am - 12:00 am

The annual Soham Remembrance Parade took place today in Soham High Street. Wreath laying around the town's war memorial also was performed as part of the Parade.

In bright sunshine, President Alan and SVP Bruce, represented the Soham Rotary Club during this year's Remembrance Parade.

Representatives from many of the local town organisations accompanied military represenatives from Britsh and US forces.

The parade made it's way from St Andrew's school to the war memorial, where wreaths were laid by a representaive of each group taking part.

The Parade then made it's way to St Andrew's church where a service was held in memory of the "fallen"

The pavillion then hosted afternoon tea for all participants

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President Alan places the Club's wreath

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