Sir Nicholas Winton we salute you!

Huge Congratulations to a truly remarkable man! Remarkable enough to travel hundreds of miles at the age of 105! But what he has achieved in his lifetime is truly astonishing.

Every Rotarian in the Thames Valley District is humbled and privileged to count 'Nicky' Winton of the Rotary Club of Maidenhead as one of our number. He features more than once on our pages of 'Ordinary People doing Extraordinary Things' and that's simply because he keeps on doing Extraordinary Things!

Truly a role model to aspire to, this gentle, modest man has great wisdom to go with his great achievements. Inspiring indeed to wake up to his interview with John Humphrys on BBC Radio 4's Today programme. Hear the interview and read the whole story of when Sir Nicholas traveled to Prague Castle on 28 October to collect the most prestigious Order of the White Lion from the Czech president Milos Zeman for his selfless actions when saving 669 children from almost certain death in the Nazi concentration camps in 1938. Read the BBC's excellent News report here

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Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

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