EACH Presentation

Wed, Aug 13th 2014 at 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Charter Night Whisky Raffle 2014

Cheque Value
Cheque Value

One of the features of the Soham Staploe Rotary Club's annual Charter Night dinner is the whisky draw. Each club member provides a bottle while all those present buy tickets. Occasionally a particularly choice bottle will be auctioned by honorary club member David Palmer. This year's charter night was one of the final duties of outgoing president Trevor Cole whose prerogative it was to choose the charity to benefit from the draw. On this occasion Trevor chose the East Anglian Children's Hospices. Consequently Karen Newton and Steve Ford, two members of the EACH fundraising team, attended the club's recent meeting at their new venue, the Maid's Head in Wicken, to collect a cheque for

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Cheque Value

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