Club Assembly 2014

Tue, Jun 17th 2014 at 12:00 am -

Club Assembly 2014

Elaine Henderson handed over the Presidential Chain of Office to new President Geoff Dawe. Elaine O'Brien East Area Assistant District Officer came along for the evening.

Elaine Henderson's thank you :-

I cant believe a year has passed already and I am delighted to see that the club is still in going strong after my year in charge!

One of the highlights of my year has been to hear everyones life stories. They have all been fascinating. A big thank you to everyone who shared their stories with us

I wanted to make my year a very social year and I would like to thank Paul and his Sports & Social committee for helping me achieve this with organising a total of 15 events which have included:-

A skittles night at the Shieps Heid Pub where a very competitive Mark and Geoff battled it out for Skittle Champion, from memory Geoff came out on top!
We also had our annual Golf Championship with Dalkeith Rotary which I am delighted to say that we thrashed them!

Thank you to Diane who organised another successful trip to the Edinburgh fringe.
A successful trip was also organised to Surgeons Hall in Edinburgh, which wasnt as gory as Mark had hoped for!

We have also supported many local restaurants and it has been great to get together socially for a meal. I hope this continues.

Our Christmas Meal was another great success and was held at Newbattle Abbey.
We also had another very successful Walk organised by Paul, although we didnt get any response from our Rotary neighbours it was a great success with Paul even organising fantastic weather!

Well done to Paul for also organising our team for 5 rounds of the Rotary Quiz.
I am sure you will agree Paul and his committee have done a fantastic job this year.......!

I would like to thank Colin and the Community Committee for a very successful year

Colin and his team have organised 2 successful community events with Midlothian Rangers which saw us planting bulbs in Roslin Glen and litter picking in Ironmills Park.

We were also involved in helping lay out the gardens for Poppy Scotland for the planting of the Poppies under the Scotts Monument in Edinburgh. Although it was rather tense at moments, with someone nearly getting a tape measure thrown at them, it was an honour to be involved in such a special event. I would like to thank Colins wife Moira who came down to help.

Thank you to Colin for organising our Santa Sleigh collections this year. A special thanks to Grant, Atholl and Audreys husband Stuart for all their help in building, painting and storing our sleigh. We also made a collection at Dobbies and took part in the Lightening Ceremony in Dalkeith where out jolly Santa/Pirate Maurice was the star of the show. Luckily Gordon and I managed to bump off the other Santa before ours arrived! Thank you to everyone who came along to man our stall selling home baking, mulled wine and mince pies!
1,000 which was given to Midlothian Young Carers.

Another 550 was spent on 3 families in crisis this year. Grant and I and my 2 children Chloe and Jamie went shopping at Toys R Us and Lidll and made up 3 separate bundles of presents and food for these families which Lesley and her colleagues from work delivered.

Colin and his team also organised a know your blood pressure event in Dalkeith which was very successful and good fun!

We also sponsored another Volunteer at the Midlothian Volunteer Awards Ceremony, and Beth and I were delighted to present the awards to Kevin Kent from Health In Mind at the ceremony in Newbattle Abbey. A special thank you to Beth for being there with me on the night and keeping me calm!
Once again thank you to Colin and his team for a very successful year!

A big thank you Derek and his International committee for organising a very successful January Ceilidh which was very well attended and we raised over 1300. This was given to Room 13 International.

Thank you to Derek and Douglas for organising our 10th trip with our Twinned Club in Holland this coming weekend..........we will let you know how well they did when we get back!

Once thank you to Derek and his team for all their work!

I would like to thank Lesley and her Youth committed for a very successful year.

We competed for the first time in the Young Chef competition where 3 students took part and were judged by Ian Minto from the Sun Inn. Unfortunately they did not make it through to the next round. 

Lesley and her team have chosen another 2 RYLA candidates for next year.

Thank you Lesley and her committee for all their work, and good luck to Lesley and Roy who will soon be leaving us for a year to enjoy themselves in Australia.

We have sent two Shelterboxes this year to families in need.

A big thank you to George and his team for organising another very successful Wine Tasting Event where we raised over 1300.00

We have also helped sponsor Dalkeith Under 16s Rugby Tour to Madrid with a donation of 100.

300s was also donated to Lasswade High School for their project in sending books/furniture to Africa.

We also took part in the Worlds Greatest Meal to End Polio where 200s were raised at a Pot Luck Supper at our house. Worldwide there were 375 events which to date has raised over $200,000.00 which with the matched funding stands at $641,000.00 with over 12,775 Rotarians taking part. 

Thank you to Claire who organised a successful Car Treasure Hunt.

A big thank you to Diane, Margaret and Geoff who took part in the Flashmob video outside the Scottish Parliament, Pans People eat your heart out!

A big thank you to Beth and everyone who donated prizes for our Silent Auction where we raised over 1,000.

A big thank you to Peter & Aileen for organising another very successful Running Dinner, which was enjoyed by all that attended.

Thank you to Mark for organising 2 scatter weeks this year.

Thank you to everyone who attended the District Conference in sunny Ayr and a special thanks to Beths and Andrews family for their hospitality and booze!

I would like to thank Margaret for organising the wine for our weekly raffle and paying our bar bill each week.

Thank you to Atholl for keeping our website and IT up to date.

Thank you to Beth for looking after our Global Scholar Charlotte from Belgium.

We also contributed 1200 to the Rotary Foundation

Thank you to Scott for his help in organising the Dalkeith Agricultural show where members of Esk Valley Rotary helped with car parking and taking entrance money. Also thank you to Scott for organising the handing out of Christmas Trees at Cameron Toll shopping centre on behalf of The Bethany Trust

I am delighted that we gained one new member this year Brian. This is something that we all need to keep on top of and keep telling everyone how fabulous Esk Valley Rotary is!

I would like to give a special thank you to Beth for being there for me this year with plenty advice and a sympathetic ear!

Thank you to Grant for being treasurer.

I would also like to thank Geoff for being a fantastic secretary and keeping me on track.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being President this year and would like to do it again in the future when I have a bit more time. Thank you everyone for all their help in making this a very successful year!

I would now like to temporarily hand over the presidency to Geoff, although I would like the chain back for our trip to Holland this weekend. I wish you a very successful year and look forward to your presidency...........................this may help!


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