As announced at the recent District Council Meeting in Lockerbie, DGE Alistair will be giving details of a challenge for all Clubs to participate in during the course of 2014-15. This will be in the form of a DG Club Citation which will bring recognition to individual Clubs which achieve a series of activity challenges.
The Citation Certificate will be achievable at three levels - Bronze, Silver and Gold. A Citation Certificate is certainly within the grasp of every Club in our District. Full details will be issued to all attending the District Training Assembly at Inveralmond Community High School, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 6HW on Sunday, 11th May 2014, commencing at 2.00 pm.
One of the activities which will gain credit towards the Citation is having your Club represented at the May 2014 District Training Assembly. This note is simply to alert all Clubs to this fact. We trust that every Club will be well represented on the day. A reminder to come early (12 noon onwards) with a packed lunch or to enjoy something from the cafe as members meet up to chat and to browse the House of Friendship stalls. The Assembly proper starts at 2.00 pm.
Club events requiring DG presence in 2014-2015
A reminder that Clubs which have a special event in the next Rotary year commencing 1 July 2014, should let DGE Alistair know by email/letter as soon as possible. His calendar is filling up and it may not be possible to meet all requests. As previously stated: first come is first in the DG's diary. Many thanks to the many Clubs which have already responded to an earlier notice.
Alistair Marquis
District Governor Elect
Email : Alistair Marquis
I am writing to remind you that we have put together a unique conference for the family of Rotary and non Rotarians. The programme is in place and speakers have made the booking for their flights. We have young people registered to speak and also to listen as delegates.
There is a misconception going around the District that the conference is only for young people and some clubs have been put off by not being able to contact their school before the Easter holiday. This is not a prerequisite of attendance.
The conference will be entertaining, inclusive and motivating for future activity. All our keynote speakers are young and refreshingly optimistic. It is for all Rotarians and members of their community who have an interest in helping our young people whether at school or in the community to become better leaders and helping them to make better life choices whilst at school, in the home and community.
So if you are available to come I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. If you have not considered coming perhaps it is worthy of a second thought.