A reminder to all Clubs that the District Training Assembly takes place at Inveralmond Community High School, Livingston, EH54 6HW, commencing at 2.00 pm on Sunday, 11th May.
Each Club should be represented by sufficient members to cover all breakout sessions. Current Presidents, and 2014-15 Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurers, Committee Chairpersons and other members are warmly invited to attend.
Come along from 11.00 am onwards for the Grants Fair and the morning practical sessions. Browse the stalls in the House of Friendship, enjoy a packed lunch/purchase from the cafe and network with Rotary friends.
Presidents Elect who have not yet attended a PEPS meeting are warmly invited to attend a session at 11.00 am. This additional session has been specifically organised to ensure incoming Presidents, who have yet to attend a PEPS, comply with RI regulations regarding training requirements prior to taking up office.
Current Club Presidents will have a breakout session with DG Kate in the course of the afternoon.
House of Friendship - this will operate from 11am and will showcase projects and events both for our District Committees and individual Clubs. If your Club wishes to display something they are proud of or attract interest from other Clubs in joining up in a project then simply come along before 11 am and set up a stall.
Alistair Marquis
District Governor Elect
Email : Alistair Marquis