I am delighted to announce that PDG Allan Maclaughlan has been elected District Representative to COL 2016. PDG Maurice Halliday has agreed to be subsititute.
Congratulations to the winner and commiserations to the losers.
District Re-structuring
Following requests at yesterday's District Council meeting asking for more information about District Re-structuring, members are directed to the Update and Report to the General Council in February 2014 on the Rotary GB&I website as part of the General Council Meeting Minutes.
By now Club should have been completed their own competitions. The results should be sent to me by 12th April. Please send them in hard copy, no larger than A4, by post to me at the following address:
Mabie Knowe,Carruchan Beeches, Dumfries,DG2 8LZ.
Mike Harris
Tel: 01387 451465 mobile : 07780696443
E-mail Mike Harris