Philippines Disaster

Sat, Nov 23rd 2013 at 12:00 am - 12:00 am

How the Rotarians in Northampton raised money to help those affected by the Philippine Disaster



The four Northampton Rotary Clubs are cooperating to provide humanitarian aid to the Philippines, following the terrible havoc wreaked by typhoon Haiyan.  We are using Shelterbox as the best way to provide fast support for those whose homes have been destroyed.  These boxes contain a large tent and all the equipment that ten people need to provide shelter, cooking capabilty and clean water etc.  If you would like to know more about Shelter box click here.

Shelterbox was established by Rotary and has developed into one of the world's leading disaster relief charities.  At the moment we think that, between the four clubs, we can pledge about 18 Shelterboxes, and members of the four Clubs spent the day collecting in the Grosvenor Centre on Saturday 23 November.  There was a Shelterbox on display, so that people could see exactly what we will be sending to the Philippines.

If you would like to donate to Shelterbox, so that more can be sent to the Philippines, click on the logo to the right.

People in Northampton have been wonderful in their support for the disaster relief effort already, as expressed by the Chronicle and Echo here, and this was demonstrated again in the Grosvenor Centre, which the Chronicle and Echo covered in another report, which you can see by clicking here.

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