The next Council on Legislation takes place in Chicago in April 2016. Districts are now being asked to select their representative.
Representatives must have :
completed a full-term as district governor at the time of election
have attended fewer than three Councils as a voting member
be able to attend for the entire duration
Any club in the district may nominate a candidate. If a club nominates a Rotarian who is a member of a different club the candidate's club must agree in writing to the nomination.
To nominate an eligible Past District Governor please complete the nomination form in the members' area of the District website and return it to the District Secretary by noon on 23rd February 2014.
Click here to access the form.
Should there be more than one nomination a ballot will be necessary.
Following requests from clubs the deadline date for submission of the District Magazine Survey has been extended to Monday, 10th February.
Please note that as well as the online survey or submission by email members can submit their responses on paper by sending them to DG Kate Keter, 25 Huntburn Ave, Linlithgow EH49 7LE - to arrive no later than the post on Monday, 10th February.
Several key posts require to be filled and we would ask each Club to give very serious consideration as to whether any member has the skills to do one of these important jobs. Likewise, any individual who has an interest in one of the posts is encouraged to nominate themselves. Please contact the District Secretary or DGE Alistair if any individual wishes to discuss.
If these key posts remain unfilled then our District will be much poorer as there will be no driving incentive to grow our District, young people will be denied access to a competition that they benefit greatly from and our inter-Club friendship and visits will be the poorer without a District Quiz. The future of this work lies in our own hands to resolve.
The key posts are: New Club Formation Coordinator (This post involves leading a team of Area Membership Coordinators to identify potential within the District to start up new Clubs (satellite, e-Club, traditional and innovative Clubs) and to support and nurture the growth of these. An exciting and challenging post and one that helps grow our District and Rotary.) Further details from District Membership Chairman Peter Croan
Young Technologist Coordinator (This post involves the organisation of the annual District Competition to find the best young technologists.) Further details from District Youth Services ChairmanTheresa Douglas
District Quiz Coordinator (This post involves organising the District Quiz and Plate Competitions, including setting the questions.) A really interesting post and a most enjoyable one. Further details from Roy Redwood
In addition, we are still looking to four of our District Areas, namely Borders, City, South West and West, to identify from within their Clubs