Aid to Kosovo

Mon, Jan 27th 2014 at 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

We were privileged to have as speakers the two Ingatestone postmen, Dennis Sweeting and Steve Biggs, who have taken the time to organise a convoy of clothing and other vital materials to the stricken people of Kosovo.


The Rotary Club of Billericay was privileged  to have as their speakers on Monday Jan 27 two Ingatestone postmen, Dennis Sweeting and  Steve Biggs, who took time out, with the help of other community people,  to organise a convoy of clothing and other vital materials to the stricken people of Kosovo, still suffering from the violent Balkan War of the late Nineties. 

They also took time out (with permission)  from their duties to give us a powerful  photogaphic description of how their trucks and convoys got through international barriers across seven  European boundaries and delivered on time.  It  was met with great appreciation by the club members who felt their inspiration and efforts were worthy of a

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