I am writing to inform and remind you of the value of Club Visioning in the period between January and June 2014 and highlight an information webinar for Clubs.
Our District is in a very strong position as we have 3 Club Visioning Leaders in Duncan Collinson, Peter Croan and I. We have 11 trained facilitators and over 5 waiting to be trained.
Club Visioning gives a voice to every member in your club and facilitates a three year programme for continuity, and consistency through consensus. This provides clubs with affirmation of their intentions and an achievable way forward from where they are currently. To date it has also been enjoyable for those clubs who have participated. No two clubs are the same and as such no two clubs will have identical outcomes but the outcomes will have ownership.
If you are thinking about becoming involved please contact me to organize a leader or speaker with times and dates.
If you wish to have further information our Rotary International Coordinators Peter Davey and Chris Garner, are hosting a webinars for: CLUBS WHO WISH TO LEARN MORE ABOUT VISIONING (Also applicable for District Officers) Club Visioning Explained presented by RI Regional Co-ordinators, Peter Davey Z18a, and Chris Garner Z17.
Title: Club Visioning Explained
Date: Thursday, February 13, 2014
Time:7:00 PM - 8:00 PM GMT
After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Webinar.
System Requirements
1) PC-based attendees Required: Windows