The annual international quiz and fish 'n chips supper is held at Emmanuel United Reformed Church, West Wickham when the teams hotly contest the outcome
This year the proceeds will go to Laissez l'Afrique Vivre, a charity based in the Democratic Republic of the Congo which supports and trains young girls and their children and trains young boys in a skill which will hopefully enable them to earn a living.
Congratulations to the Elmers End Church team, who won by a good margin this year, with 97 out of a possible 110 points. This was a fun evening with delicious local fish and chips and prizes for the quiz winners. Our thanks go to Rev. Bill Bowman for providing the venue and for acting as our quizmaster. Our thanks also go to the generosity of members who donated raffle prizes.
We are very pleased to report that we raised £1,050.00 at the event this year.
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