There are bus adverts of a similar image to this running at the moment until the end of this week, though hopefully some will run for longer.
The portrait sized image is available as an A5 leaflet, from District Governor Kate, if anyone wants some - they only need to pay the postage.
The text giving line will be open for several weeks and clubs are asked to spread the message in any way they can and to encourage friends, family, neighbours, colleagues to donate.
Rotarians around the globe are holding events this October to raise awareness and gain support to END POLIO NOW!
A reminder that you are invited to be part of an exciting FLASH MOB event to be held in Edinburgh! RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE SCOTTISH PARLIAMENT.
If your club does not have anything planned for Thursday 24th October 11am to 12:30 why not join in with us. The bigger the better and the more the merrier