1. Election for District Governor Nominee, 2014-2015
This year for the first time District elections will be run through an online system.
Voters will be asked to cast their vote[s] using a unique link conveyed by email to Club Secretaries, District Officers with a personal vote and Past District Governors.
This link can be used only once and the voting will be recorded on the usual basis using 1 for the preferred candidate and 2 for the second. Rotarians who have an individual vote will receive a similar email. Where a person is Club Secretary and also entitled to vote on an individual basis, two emails will be issued.
If Club Secretaries and those with personal votes do not receive the email, then please check your spam box.
CVs for the candidates and transcripts of the presentations given at District Council will be available on the District website. There will be no hard copy issued.
The link to voting papers will be emailed early in the coming week and the election will close at noon on Friday 4 October. The results will be issued as soon as possible, once they have been scrutinised by PDGs David Buchanan and Bob Christie.
Please contact Graham Clarkson if you need assistance.
Graham Clarkson
Electoral Officer
Email: Graham Clarkson
2. Presidents Elect Preparation Seminars : please pass to your President Elect
PEPS1 : Saturday 2nd November
All Club Presidents Elect are called to attend PEPS1 on Saturday 2nd November 2013. This will take place at the Carluke Lifestyles Centre, Carnwath Road, Carluke, ML8 4DP, and will run from 9.30am to 12.30pm.
Tea and coffee will be available from 9.15am. Bring a packed lunch and enjoy this in the community cafe.
Please would Club Secretaries alert Presidents Elect to this important event. Where a President Elect cannot be present, please let DGE Alistair know.
Not all clubs have entered details of their President Elect on the District Database. Please rectify this omission where relevan
PEPS2 : Saturday 8th March 2014
By way of advance notice, a joint training session for Presidents Elect and all District Officers will take place on Saturday 8th March 2014. Presidents Elect will be expected to be in attendance from 9.30am to 12.30pm. The community cafe will be open for lunch but packed lunches are encouraged.
Further details will follow in due course.
This event is a critical one for all Presidents Elect and the District Team. It is hoped that we can achieve a hundred percent attendance. Can Club Secretaries please alert Presidents Elect to this very important event.
Thank you
Alistair Marquis
District Governor Elect
Email: Alistair Marquis
3. Crisis in Syria Please pass to your International Chairman
Shelter Box is working in refugee camps in Iraq, Lebanon and Turkey and has supplied 1600 boxes and other equipment to date.
Aquabox has supplied 500 boxes to Lebanon with water filtration systems and other humanitarian aid.
If Clubs wish to do something tangible to support beleaguered families escaping from Syria - the Rotary GB&I International committee request that support be given to these two Box Schemes. Further details and information will follow as it becomes available.
Anne Wright
District International Chair
Email: Anne Wright
4. Foundation Newsletter, September 2013
The Foundation Newsletter for September is now on the District website. Click here for the lastest Foundation News.
Harry Smith
District Foundation Chairman
Email: Harry Smith
5. Young Golfer of the Year Competition
Dear Rotarian,
The 9th Annual Rotary District 1020 Young Golfer of the Year tournament was kindly hosted by Portobello Rotary Club the 2012 winners at the excellent Duddingston Golf Club.
As in previous years the young golfers came from the 16 years and under age group as at 1st January 2013.
District Governor Kate Keter was kindly in attendance for several hours meeting all the young golfers and presenting them with Rotary merit awards at the completion of their eighteen holes on the challenging course during a day of good weather.
The Young Rotary Golfer of the Year was Chris Finnie representing Lockerbie Rotary Club. The winner of the individual handicap competition was Braids Rotary Club's Jake Edgecombe (17) who had a net score of 67 to win by a stroke from Calum Paxton representing Duns Rotary Club.
Thanks to all clubs that supported this event
For the full results, click here
Millar Stoddart
District Sports Officer
Email : Millar Stoddart
6. Cash for Kids : Sparkle Ball, 5th October 2013
It would be great to have people from Rotary at our Sparkle Ball
Cash for Kids are delighted to announce that ABBAMANIA are our special guests at this year's Sparkle Ball in partnership with Asda!
Saturday 5th October 2013 at The Crowne Plaza Edinburgh