Seagate Rotary had a busy business meeting on Monday evening, discussing August activities. The next major event will be the Dragon Boat racing in the harbour as part of the Marymass Fourth Port gala day on 17 August. 16 teams of 20 rowers have signed up for the challenge, many raising money for charity, and several local businesses have sponsored teams and prizes, including best dressed team, so we look forward to some spectacular outfits to complement the colourful dragon boats.
On Marymass Saturday, Seagate will have their Hot Dog stall on Kilwinning Road, and this year will also be selling crepes, for the continental flavour, and depending on the weather hot drinks or ice cream.
On the social side there will be a cultural walk in Glasgow this Saturday, taking in the Kelvingrove Gallery and Hunterian Museum, and possibly one or two hostelries en route for sustenance, and later in the month there will be a Cumbrae cycle, with a choice of clockwise or anticlockwise depending on the sun or wind and the fitness of the participants.
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