1. Further RI/Rotary GB&I appointments
Following on from last week's announcement, congratulations are also due to the following:
PDG Allan MacLaughlan for his re-appointment as RI Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Co-ordinator for Zone 17 and who therefore stays as a member of the Rotary GB&I Rotary Foundation Committee.
Herbert Chatters for his appointment as RI Regional Public Image Co-ordinator for Zone 17, he continues as a member of the Rotary GB&I Marketing, PR & Communications Committee.
DG Kate for election to the Rotary GB&I Executive Committee
Leadership Development & Training Committee Chairman Willie Maltman who continues as a member of the Rotary GB&I LDTC.
Kate Keter
District Governor
Email: rotary@keterthomson.co.uk
2. District Database : a plea to Club Administrators
This year, there is no full hard copy District Directory.
The insert in the District Magazine lists District Officers, Club Presidents and Secretaries, but the District database is the main source of information for Club Officers. It is therefore particularly important that the database is complete and accurate.
Please would Club Administrators check all their Club Officers are recorded on the District database and ensure it is kept up to date.
It follows that member records should also be complete, accurate and up to date. Please would Administrators check that all members are registered on the District database and encourage them to add full details and, ideally, photographs to their records. This, of course, is in addition to registering members on the Global Database.
For any Club Administrators needing help, there are tutorials on the Club Officers and Club Members pages of the template websites. There are also two videos on adding members: part one and part two Those clubs not using a template website can access the same information by logging on to the District website.
For further assistance please contact District Secretary Olive Geddes <omgeddes@googlemail.com>
3. Does your Club have any new members
Has your club inducted any new members this Rotary year?
When you do, in addition to registering them on the Global Database and District Database, please let District Governor Kate know so she can welcome them <rotary@keterthomson.co.uk>
If your new members would like to feature in the District Magazine, please send their names and a head and shoulders photograph to Magazine Editor Rod Russell <editor1020@gmail.com>
Olive Geddes
District Secretary
RI District 1020
Email: Olive Geddes