Bric a Brac

Sat, Jun 22nd 2013 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Bric a Brac Stall in the Village. 22 June 2013

On Saturday 23 June Rotary club of Formby held a Bric-a-brac sale in aid of ShelterBox.  Members of the public together with Rotary members and their families donated a wonderful collection of very saleable items including lots of books, clothing, household items and other pieces too numerous tomention.  As an added attraction we also had a ShelterBox on display, thanks
to Gerry Heaslip ADG which also helped to loosen a few pockets. Everything was going for us on the day except for one thing - the weather. Well, we had so much rain and wind that anyone with any sense stayed indoors at least for the morning. However, in spite of the weather we did manage to raise

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Past Events July 2012 - June 2013.

back President: Jeff Howard.