A New President for 2013-14

Mon, Jul 1st 2013 at 1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Members, wives and visiting Rotarians meet to celebrate the successes of outgoing President Trevor Stansfield and welcome new President Keith Wood and Vice President Michael Ginn to their new roles.

A New President for 2013-14

At a packed meeting, also attended by visiting Rotarian Frank Rigg from Concord Massachussets in the USA, members and their wives met for lunch and to recognize the successes of outgoing President Trevor Stansfield's year of office. 

Predident Trevor recalled that his Charity of choice for the year had been the Remus Animal sanctuary and remarked how delighted he had been to have been able to raise over a

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Outgoing President Trevor hands the chain of office to Keith Wood

Membership & Social Events

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