7.15 for 7.30pm Evening meal and speaker at the Baron

Wed, Jan 22nd 2014 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

Tonight we welcomed Natalya Cummings who spoke on her Ukrainian project in a village in the north of the country.

This was an inspiring talk, as inspiring as Natalya herself. She told us of how she and a friend decided to give the youth of her village, in the Carpathian Mountains, an insight into how life can be in the modern age. She was 19 at the time in 2006 and, with the assistance of fellow students and friends as well as willing locals, set up a three day art craft dance and music festival in the village. On the back of this there have been a number of festivals since ( both in this and surrounding villages ) and at least 20 young people have decided to stay in the village when they normally would have moved away. In addition some of them have inspired others, small enterprises have been established ( including a cheese factory ) and the youngsters no longer can say that there is nothing for them to do! A wonderful story and Natalya deserves huge credit for her foresight. We hope to be able to support her project in the future but for tonight a

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