Life of the Club

On the following pages you will be able to access recent reports about events held by our Club.

During the restrictions imposed because of the COVID pandemic the Club held its meetings fortnightly via Zoom. We have been fortunate in having a number of very interesting talks and the following pages include reports of some of those talks.

The Club has now resumed weekly meetings in person at the Blackwood Golf Club and has re-started many of the activities that had been stopped by the pandemic.

The Club  was fortunate that the Mike McNeice who held the Presidency at the start of the pandemic agreed to continue in office while it lasted. Recently the Club acknowledged the outstanding service that he had provided during that time, keeping the Club as active as possible and sourcing a wide range of excellent speakers. To acknowledge that immense contribution to the life of the Club Mike was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship by President Greg McCourt.

In the 2023/24 year it was decided that four members would share the Presidency. At the end of October Greg McCourt passed the baton over to Barry Patterson.

Life of the Club pages:

Past-President Alan Cook

Past-President Alan Cook spoke of his family's wartime experiences

more Alan Cook reprised an interview which he gave to the Belfast War Memorial Museum on his family members' experiences in the Royal and Merchant Navies.

Linda Patterson with President Mine McNeice and Rotarian Jim Henry

Talk on the Holocaust Memorial Garden at Millisle Primary School

more Linda Patterson spoke to the Club about the creation of a memorial garden at MIllisle primary School to commemorate the Jewish refugees who came to the Millisle Farm from 1939 to 1949

The Work of SPADs explained

more Peter Cardwell spoke to the Club about his time working as a special advisor in the context of the Westminster government.

President Brian presents a cheque for £4400 to Dr Cherith Semple of Macmillan Cancer Care accompanied by the organising committee

North Down Rotary Supports Macmillan Cancer Care

more The Club's annual dinner raised a total of £4400 in support of Macmillan Cancer Care. Dr Cherith Semple explained how the money raised would be used by the charity. The cheque was presented by President Brian and Past-President George Cheatley.

President Campbell Whyte presents a cheque for £2360 to Nicola Hinds of ShelterBox

Presentation to ShelterBox

more The Club recently presented a cheque to Shelterbox for £2360

John Perry, Derek Johnston, Vice-Captain of HBGC and President Greg planting a tree at the Golf Club

Tree Planting

more Fifty saplings acquired for the Club were planted as a contgribution to National Tree Week

The Club learns aboiut the Digital Film Archive

more Ann Donnelly gave an excellent illustrated talk on the Digital Film Archive which is the responsibility of NI Screen.

Seen with outgoing President Jim Henry are newly installed Paul Harris Fellows (from left) Alan Shannon, Terry Cromey and Grahame Fraser

Paul Harris Fellowships Presented to Four Past-Presidents

more Seen following their installation as Paul Harris Fellows are (from left) Alan Shannon, Terry Cromey and Grahame Fraser.

Mike McNeice and John Perry load up bikes for Bike Aid Africa

Collecting bikes for Bike Aid Africa

more The Club is assisting Bike Aid Africa by collecting used bikes in the local area and transporting them to the charity's workshop in Belfast.