We support Knighton Primary School's French trip

Wed, Mar 13th 2013 at 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Through the Knighton and District Twinning Association we are part sponsoring a group of students from the Primary School on their trip to Varades in France.

Varade, in the Loire Valley, is twinned with Knighton and this trip is part of the exchange process between the two towns. Our Rotary Club is supporting this trip in the form of English/French Dictionaries for the students who are travelling to the town and we hope this dictionaries will be useful for this children in the future. More details to follow ......

Read more about the twinning association on facebook and there is an article about the trip at:http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/544457_577022072317709_1297764197_n.jpg

Cathy JonesContact Cathy Jones about this page:

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