2nd March 2013 - what a lot of talent on show!
VENUE - Suffolk One Sixth Form College, Scrivener Drive, Ipswich, Suffolk IP8 3SU
see link http://www.suffolkone.ac.uk/contact-us/
The District 1080 Finals in two of the national competitions for young people organised by Rotary - Young Chef and Youth Speaks - both competitions run at the same venue on the same day. The Youth Speaks Final runs while the Young Chefs cook their dishes, then the Certificates and Awards were presented in one ceremony at 1pm, followed by a buffet lunch and photographs.
Competitiors arrive between 9.15 and 9.30am, the draw for order 9.30am.
St Bede's School Team 1 represented South Cambridge in this years Youth Speaks Competition (intermediate category 11-14yrs old ).
Report -
St Bedes Intermediate and Senior teams were in action, demonstrating their presentational skills, on Saturday 2 March at the most impressive new Suffolk One Sixth Form College at Ipswich in the Rotary Youth Speaks 2013 competition. They had each won a Cambridge heat organised by the Rotary clubs of South Cambridge (Int) and Sawston (Seniors).
The intermediate team made a passionate presentation supporting Fairtrade and the senior team (who won the South Cambridge Intermediate competition last year!) spoke influentially about the Fall of the Arts.
It was with great acclaim that each team was awarded First place in their age group and will go onto the Regional (East of England) final, at the same venue on Saturday 16 March 2013. Teams from Wymondham College and The Kings School Ely (sponsored by the Cambridge Rutherford Club), as runners up, will join them in the Regional Final.
The St Bedes Intermediate team comprised Annabel Gibbons, Caroline McKenzie and Lily Dosanjh.
The Senior team comprised Anna McNally and twins Abigail and Rachel Crook.
Next years Rotary District Governor, Bill Redmayne, congratulated them on their success and Rachel Summers, Director of Thomas Ridley foodservice presented the awards.
Mike Smith, President of the South Cambridge Rotary Club said 'It was a wonderful morning with some remarkably talented and confident young speakers from across Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire. It is great tribute to the St Bedes school and its staff that the students did so amazingly well. We will be supporting the teams in the Regional Final.'
Organiser for District Youth Speaks - Rtn John Hunting
john.hunting@ntlworld.com (preferred method please!)
01223 834476 (evenings) / 07775 662 093
back This committee aims to put on events and support organisations that encourage and develope children and young people.