President Paul's charity for 2012-13

Wed, Dec 12th 2012 at 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Decisions were made today as to the charity President Paul would like to support for his year......

DECEMBER 12TH 2012 - Decisions made regarding our supported charities

1. President Paul will be having Mary's Meals as his chosen charity - see more at: 

2. We will be funding the installation of an extractor fan at the Knighton Community Support project's Furniture Barn. This will allow the charity to provide accredited work experience to young people in the area of furniture repair and restoration. 

3. We are looking to linking with a Rotary Club in Romania to get involved in community based projects in their area. We are pleased to be able to work towards supporting these worthwhile charities over the remainder of this Rotary year.   

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