Chiefly yourselves would have been an apt title for the meeting held by The Rotary Club of March on Monday 15th October 2012, when all members had been invited to give a short talk upon any subject that may have been of interest to others. Surprisingly, this was in general achieved
Opening the meeting, President Ross Davis welcome two Guests from Kings Lynn Prior Rotary Club, Richard High, and Bob Angell.
They had travelled over to tell us about a Charity Antiques and Collectables Sale being held at Wisbech Grammar School upon the 27/28th October, to which we were invited to both buy, and sell.
The President further informed us that accompanied by Vice President, Peter Bennett they had attended the District Council Meeting at Diss, little of the business discussed had any direct bearing upon the March Rotary Club
Grace was said by Alan Burdass, and after the meal, Members were invited by Don Morris to take The Stage.
Things got off to fine start, from John Lattimore, telling us about the various
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