We have secured sponsorship from Robert Wiseman Dairies. Each entrant at club will receive an apron. These will not arrive until midway through my tour and therefore cannot be disributed until after my return on 25th.Nov. As long as the schools know that they are coming I see no real problem in giving them out later. At area and disrict rounds of the competition milk, cream and orange juice can be supplied as long as I place orders at least a week prior to the event. They are also giving the glass awards for the District Final. Please where ever possible give Robert Wiseman Dairies recognition as our sponsors.
The Disrict Final will be held in West Lothian College,Livingston on Sat.23rd.February,2013. Set up is at 1.00pm and cooking starts at 1.30pm.
Trust that all is going well with your club plans.
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