31 October 2012 - Wine tasting with John Ducker


A taste of wine, a taste of Rotary

As part of a move to attract new members Amersham Rotarians organised a Wine tasting and supper at the Beacon School on Wednesday 31 October in lieu of their normal lunch time meeting.

Amersham Town Mayor Mimi Harker, husband Robin and other guests and their wives were welcomed by their Rotary hosts before sitting down to wine tasting quiz led by expert Wine teacher John Ducker.

After several wines had been sampled and their origin and grape type identified the winning table won a bottle of Prosecco to much booing.

A cold buffet followed after which President Richard Langley gave the guests an overview of Rotary activities with an emphasis on the international reach of Rotary.

Responding ,Mayor Mimi Harker expressed  her appreciation for the impact Amersham Rotary had in the local community and for what Rotary International had done in the fight against Polio.

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