After our brilliant fund-raising car-parking last December we were delighted to present cheques to the 6 main chosen charities to benefit, to hear more about their work and particularly how the money will be used. Maria, Donna, Kirsty, Mike, Katy, Tom, Sarah, Suzanne and Steve came to share a meal with the club and briefly describe the work they are involved in. Rtns David Ellis and Terry Gardner, who are our main organisers for the project each year, were enthusiastically thanked by the club for all their hard work.
We were also very pleased to welcome our newest member of the club. Rtn Richard de Horsey introduced Marvin to the club and President Mike presented him with his first rotary lapel pin.
Dogs for the Disabled - Maria had come with her driver Katy and her own adorable and highly trained support dog Blue. She spoke about the work of the charity Dogs for the Disabled which has been running now for 25 years. They train dogs to support a wide range of specific needs, including adults and children with a disability, children with autism and people with dementia. Her first dog was amongst the first dogs trained and was the first in East Anglia, but now there are 8 working dogs in this area. Maria and Blue act as spokesmen for the charity and she has raised over
back The Admin committee aims to ensure it is efficient in supporting the club, in organising the weekly meetings with speakers, improving links between committees, promoting use of website, developing the succession plan.