To: All Clubs, the District Team and PDGs
Please see the following news items:
1. District Governor's 10th Newsletter
2. Rotary GB&I Membership Webinars, 19th and 26th June
3. Surplus Veterinary technical equipment available
4. Possible speaker for your club: ABF The Soldiers' Charity
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1. District Governor's 10th Newsletter
Click on this link for District Governor Keith's 10th Newsletter
A reminder that, as indicated in the Rotary GB&I Members' Newsletter for June, two membership webinars are planned for:
2pm on 19th June 2012
5.30pm on 26th June 2012
The presenters will be Rotary GB&I Membership Development & Retention Chairman Peter Davey and Rotary GB&I Marketing, PR & Communications Chairman Tony Bacon.
Whilst the main presentation content - 'How best to take advantage of the forthcoming Public Image/Awareness Campaign to attract new members' - will be the same for both webinars, each webinar will end with a live Q&A session.
Follow this link for further details and registration: Membership Webinars
Willie Maltman
Please see the following message concerning surplus veterinary technical equipment:
We are developing the former Royal [Dick] Veterinary School in the South of Edinburgh which has some of the technical equipment intact and would like to ensure that the equipment can be reused for the purpose it was intended if at all possible.
Conrad Molleson
Mobile: 07765 404503
Tel: 0131 667 4484
Rotary - We
District Leadership Development and Training Chairman
There are:
5 fume cupboards
3 centrifuges
4 autoclaves
related equipment such as pressure valves
workshop surfaces.
You can view images of some of the equipment by clicking on the following link
We have a number of local studios and workshops interested in the benches and workshop surfaces but would be happy if you could locate a suitable place to transport the medical equipment so it could be used again.
Please feel free to forward these details or contact me directly to discuss further. Please try my mobile in the first instance or email me.
Best Wishes
Techcube Edinburgh
4: Possible speaker for your club: ABF The Soliders' Charity
ABF The Soldiers' Charity helps wounded, injured and sick men and women form all the Armed Forces who are being rehabilitated at Personnel Recovery Units throughout the UK. They help raise the additional funding required with the anticipated increase in numbers passing through these Units. See their website for other ways they help:
If you would like a speaker for your club please contact Major Roy Robertson, Director Scotland at:
ABF The Soldiers' Charity
The Castle
Tel: 0131 310 5132
Olive Geddes
RI District 1020
Tel: 01875 613957
Mobile: 079880 50720
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