Having entertained us in the past with his highly amusing talks on science Dominic Dickson reappeared before us as the leader of the recently formed U3A Skiffle Group. Dressed in check shirts, jeans, cowboy hats, straw hats and neckerchiefs they made an imposing line up with guitars, banjo, washboards, kazoos, bells and tea chest double bases. They took us on what for many of us was a nostalgic tour of the late 1950s and 60s popular music scene from the Cotton Fields of Louisiana via the Rock Island Line railroad to London and My Old Man`s a Dustman one of a number of famous Lonnie Donnegan songs.
Interspersed with some history of the music from its folk origins to top of the pops on several occasions we enjoyed a total of twelve classic skiffle numbers with the audience joining in with many of the choruses. We insisted on an encore and the evening concluded with a rousing repeat of their opening number Cotton Fields
back President Des Hill.