Mary's Meals

Audrey Lenaghen, President of Esk Valley Rotary Club, is ably assisted by Santa as she presents a cheque for £5220 to Mary's Meals representative Douglas Robertson.

Audrey Lenaghen, President of Esk Valley Rotary Club, is ably assisted by Santa as she presents a cheque for £5220 to Mary's Meals representative Douglas Robertson.
Audrey Lenaghen, President of Esk Valley Rotary Club, is ably assisted by Santa as she presents a cheque for £5220 to Mary's Meals representative Douglas Robertson.


Santa Collection 2011

Audrey Lenaghen, President of Esk Valley Rotary Club, is ably assisted by Santaas she presents a cheque for

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Audrey Lenaghen, President of Esk Valley Rotary Club, is ably assisted by Santa as she presents a cheque for £5220 to Mary's Meals representative Douglas Robertson.


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