International Night

Tue, Apr 17th 2012 at 12:00 am - 2:00 am

The International Night


The International Night at Formby Rotary Club is an annual event. This is when Rotary cooperates with The University of Liverpool to invite a cross section of their international students to be their guests at Formby and deliver a talk on themselves, their background and the courses that they are studying.

 This year we were very grateful to Debbie Sweeney of the Student Support Services of the University of Liverpool for organising for six students, from six countries who are studying a range of different subjects, to attend our meeting as our guests.

 Our six guests, a number in spectacular national costume, gave us fascinating descriptions of  life in their countries and it was clear that they would each be able to make significant contributions to their homeland with the knowledge they were gaining in Liverpool.

 Rongyan Chen was studying International Development planned to help the poor in China and we met a young lady, Louise Donker  who may well become the future Prime Minister (Mrs Thatcher ?)  of Ghana by promoting the influence of women via the local media.

Ali from Pakistan studying marketing has the confidence to sell fridges to Eskimos and already has a T shirt printing business operating back home.

Saffwan from Libya and Sri Riyati Sugarito  from Indonesia are both studying medicine each related to the needs of their country.  Sri`s childhood memories of 

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