Protection Issues

The new Disclosure and barring Service

When organising events and projects involving children and vulnerable adults, it is important that Clubs do so in line with the Child and Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy. This can be a confusing business as government legislation is not yet finalised, but please adhere to the Guidelines available through these web pages. If in doubt, please contact District Protection Officer, Ken Diccox.

Latest news


Part 5 of this Bill, which implements the Government’s Vetting and Barring Scheme and establishes the new Disclosure and barring Service, has completed its passage through the House of Commons and is currently progressing through the House of Lords.  The Bill is expected to receive Royal Assent by May 2012.
This Bill does not alter the main criteria on eligibility for CRB Disclosures save that it will no longer be lawful to apply for a CRB check on the under 16s.    In this District we have never applied for a check on a person under 16 years of age.
The new Bill does not make any changes to the criteria to be eligible for an Enhanced CRB check.  The work has to be carried out at a specified establishment (defined) regularly (once a week or more; or on four days or more in a single month; or overnight between 0200 and 0600 hours).  This policy has been widely circulated to all Rotary Clubs in District 1090 and is in more detail via the menu on the left had side of this page
I will update you all again following ratification of the Protection of Freedoms Bill, expected to be in May 2012.
Ken Diccox
District Protection Officer

For Information and guidelines on working with Children and Vulnerable adults, please read the reports in the Sub-Pages below.

Protection Officer: Ken Diccox (Faringdon)

Protection Issues pages:

C&V Resources


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