January News Letter.
Margaret Rodger a Polio Survivor A Polio chalange 2012.pdf
December Foundation Newsletter
MonthlyContributionReportNow_2.pdf (club APF to 5th Dec 2012)
ClubBalancePolioReport.php_1.pdf (this is your club polio contributions at 07.12.11)
November Foundation News Letter. November Foundation news 20011.pdf
October News Letter. Octobernews 20011.pdf
Next Foundation Seminar 11th December, Livingston.
**NEW Use this form when making a club donation to Foundation the second page allows you to gift aid for all members. giftaid for clubs_RFUKContribution_Form(4)[1].pdf
More information on Gift Aid here
**NEW Use this form if you are making and application for a Paul Harris Fellow.hm__1305543324_Paul_Harris_Fellow_Application[1].pdf
Letters from our Peace Scholar. letter.19.08.10.pdf letter2.25.09.11.pdf
fv_club_mou_en.pdf (This is the club Memorandum of Understanding and needs to be used in conjuction with grant applications)(send to maurice@mauricehalliday.co.uk).
NEW Donating to Peace Centres Bradford Peace Seminar Oct 2010.pdf
is to enable Rotarians to advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through the improvement of health, the support of education and the alleviation of poverty.
Or to put it more simply, to do good in the world.
As Rotarians, what can we do to help our Rotary Foundation?
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more At the International Assembly, we had the pleasure of announcing that the Polio Challenge has surpassed the US$200 million mark and has raised US$202.6 million as of 17 January 2011. In addition Jeff Raikes, Chief Executive Officer of The Bill & Melinda
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