
Volunteers from Gala in Bloom planting the bulbs

Purple crocuses for polio

more We have planted 7000 purple crocuses

John Gray and Judith Cleghorn

Rotary's 111th Birthday

more Paul Harris Fellowships awarded to 2 local people

Santa in Tweedbank

Christmas 2015

more Our Christmas activities

Scottish Borders Walking Festival

more The town of Galashiels is hosting the 2015 festival

Senior Citizens' Lunch

more Our annual lunch with entertainment when we invite people from the various care homes and sheltered housing developments in the town to join us for an afternoon

Gala in Bloom

more We presented a cheque to Gala in Bloom

Christmas Market

more Working with the Galashiels Events Committee, Gala Rotary hosted, for the 2nd year and bigger and better, a Christmas Market

Christmas Eve Carols at 7.30

more Carols in Bank Street Gardens

Santa in Tweedbank

more Santa will be touring Tweedbank on Wednesday to make sure all the children have been behaving since last year

Marie Curie Daffodil Walk at Borders General Hospital

more We will be supporting this event

Family Fun Day

more The Rotary Club will be holding its better than ever Family Fun Day!

Annual Charity Golf Tournament

more Another great success for local charities!

Galashiels Men's Shed

more The Club gave £200 to the Men's Shed

Milk bottle tops success!

more £1000 raised from milk bottle tops!

CHAS Beat the Borders

more We will be helping the organisers to run the event

Volunteer Centre Borders

more Volunteer Centre Borders works with many types of organisations to promote volunteering and find volunteers to work with the organisations

Rotarians help MS Society

more We're for communities!

Safer Borders Newsletter May 2014

more The latest edition of the Safer Borders News (May 2014)

Safer Borders Newsletter March 2014

more The latest Newsletter from the Safer Communities Team at Scottish Borders Council

Safer Borders Newsletter January 2014

more The latest news on community safety issues in the Scottish Borders from the Safer Communities Partnership

Mother's Day Charity Lunch

more We are having a Charity Lunch on Mothers Day, 30th March, at Netherdale. Tickets are £15 with proceeds to MS support in the Borders. There are still spaces if anyone would like to be there

BVAC Thirlestane Car Show

more Along with other local Clubs, we will be marshalling and helping in other ways

John Gray, Gordon Keddie. Braw Lads history

more The origins of the Braw Lads’ Gathering go back at least to 1599 when the town was granted its charter as a Burgh of Barony

Melrose Pipe Band Championship

more Advance notice of this event organised by Melrose Rotary

Gala's Santa sleigh and market

more Continental Market on Saturday was cancelled but Rotary stepped in at the last minute!

Christmas Eve Carol Service

more Thanks to everyone whobraved the storms to come to our Carol Service last night and supported the Lavender Touch

Santa's sleigh ride round Tweedbank

more Santa toured Tweedbank with a little help from Rotary

Christmas Fun Day

more Community Fun Day in the town centre

Beautiful Gala in Bloom

more Galashiels won a Silver Medal in the Medium Town category of the Beautiful Scotland Awards!

Family Fun Day

more Family Fun Day in the Public Park Galashiels.

Joined up Rotary in the Borders

more The Central Borders Rotary Clubs, ie Galashiels, Jedburgh, Kelso, Lauderdale, Melrose, Peebles and Selkirk had a busy July when they worked together for their Communities in a number of projects.

Border Union Show

more We were at the Border Union Show - 200th Anniversary of BUAS - 26th and 27th July at Kelso Showground, helping Kelso and other Border Clubs keep kids safe with Rotary. Find out more about the Show at:

Melrose Pipe Band Championship

more We helped Melrose Rotary Club manage the event

Donation to Gala Memory Cafe

more We donated £1250 to the cafe to help them expand their work, have outings, tea dances and other events

President Andrew on TD1 Radio

more Andrew was interviewed by Steve Paterson

Galashiels Golf Tournament

more Our annual Charity Golf Tournament at Torwoodlea

MS Fun Run

more We supported the MS Fun Run on 2 June

Gala Spring Clean

more The Club took part in the local Spring Clean on 27 April

Senior Citizens' Soup and Pud Lunch

more Over 70 residents of homes and sheltered housing in Galashiels guests of the Rotary Club

Memory Box

more The Club presented a Memory Box to the Memory Cafe

Senior Citizen's Lunch

more Postponed due to weather conditions. A new date will be found,possibly in April


more this is a test page to try out some ideas


more this is a test page only

Tree planting at Wooplaw

more We were there - in the snow! Read more

Com Voc Committee meeting

more Meet prior to Club meeting

Rotary Charity Shop

more Successful charity shop in Gala raises £800!

Bottle top sorting

more Bottle top sorting in St Peter's Church Hall

Alastair & Mary raise £6000 for MS

more Marathon walk from London - 377 miles in 21 days

Historic Motoring Extravaganza - Community event

more Historic Motoring Extravaganza - Community event

Christmas Eve Carol Service

more Carol service was held at the tree in Bank Street Gardens

Braw Lad's Sports

more The Braw Lad and Lass sheltered by Rotary

Money from milk bottle tops

more We are raising money for the Margaret Kerr Unit from old milk bottle tops

Charity Lunch

more Charity Lunch at Netherdale

Braw Lad's Sports

more We will be helping at this event

Senior Citizens' Lunch

more A lunch for residents of sheltered housing and homes in Gala with entertainment by Jimmy Gold

Charity Pop Up Shop

more Our shop will sell high quality goods of all kinds to raise money for an international charity. It will be open aeach day from 10.00 am

Rotary Fun Day

more Our annual Fun Day in the Public Park. Sports, bouncy castles, Gladiator, live music, stalls,TD1 Radio

Selkirk Vintage Rally

more More information on this soon

Meigle Fun Run (in association with Gala Harriers

more Rowan Bowland Memorial Trust Meigle Fun Run (in association with Gala Harriers