Flood Relief Appeal 2015

After another round of devastating flood events across Cumbria we decided to raise some money for Cumbria Community Foundation [CCF] Flood Relief Fund.

After another round of devastating flood events across Cumbria we decided to raise some money for Cumbria Community Foundation [CCF] Flood Relief Fund. CCF already have in place the infrastructure to quickly allocate grants where they are needed with a relatively simple application process.

After 6 hours on the streets of Penrith our members and friends have managed to collect £3638. This is a testement to the generosity of the local community of Penrith and the surrounding areas. Our thanks go out to those who gave so generously.

The final total will be higher as donations are still coming in.

Many thanks to the George Hotel Penrith for the use of their business centre for the day as a base for the collection.

We were out again this morning helping Eden Singers collect and made another £500 or so.

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