Community and Vocational

The Community Leader organises events some yearly including Dictionaries4 Life, Easter Egg Hunt, Jakethon and the Halloween Trail as well as the Social Interactive Quiz. It also supports the Friends of Guiseley Cemetery and the Beer Festival.

Jakethon - an annual fundraising event a favourite at the Scarborough Conference
Jakethon - an annual fundraising event a favourite at the Scarborough Conference



Community and Vocational Group Team Leader Sally Mohan:

C & V continues to work with various Groups and Committees particularly on fund-raising events and involvement in Community projects to the benefit of the Club’s charity work in our 4 local areas.

We have had and still have events for 2023 – 2024.

The woodland sign for Aireborough’s contribution was at last erected at Nunroyd Park after an 18-month delay for the 2 lots of saplings we planted (60 in total of which most have survived).

The annual, well attended C & V social event took place at an Indian Restaurant in Guiseley in February. Next year will be back in March, different venue/food.

Dictionaries4Life arrived early this year in April and are in the process of being presented to our schools – May/June/July. Feedback so far - parents think they are brilliant.

Easter Egg hunt saw a stall selling an assortment of DVDs, CDs, books, cards, soft toys and “Guess how many dog biscuits are in the Jar” competition. Another stall will be done for next year but no DVDs – they are not popular as much now. Remainder (4+ boxes) taken to charity shops in Horsforth.

Kids Out this year is in the form of supporting our Ukrainian guests - taking them to Gulliver’s Kingdom (Matlock Bath) at the beginning of July. The coach has been booked and tickets are in the process of being obtained.

A stall will be organiSed for the Autumn Seed Trail at Rodley Nature Reserve. Selling preloved items, cards and soft toys along with Have a Go competitions.

The “Jakeathon” will take place on the Sunday morning of Conference weekend in October.  His mission has not been decided yet (ideas please) but all are welcome to attend his hour’s task on Scarborough beach.

We held a Halloween shop window event in Horsforth for the 1st time last October. A competition for the best “dressed” Halloween display with prizes and certificates. It was a success and will take place again this coming October.

Small amounts of monies for C & V are coming in from our events over the past few months and will in future months.

Sponsorship has been sought but it is difficult to get any interest from businesses/companies/organisation in the present climate.

This plan is flexible and is subject to change. There may well be other events added.

I look forward to the coming year as we will hopefully have other projects to get involved in.                          


This Committee will continue to work with other groups, particularly on fund-raising events and involvement in Community projects to the benefit of the Club in our four areas Guiseley, Horsforth, Rawdon and Yeadon. We have several events planned for 2022/23:

Kids Out in a different form supporting Guiseley Children's Centre with bags, books and sweets for their summer day out to the coast. Our constant supporter, Yeadon Charities will be helping with the coach cost.

Dictionaries4 Life 479 dictionaries will be distributed to pupils in 10 local Primary Schools in July.

The 'Jakethon' will take place once again on the Sunday morning of the Scarborough Conference weekend 9 October. His mission is yet to be decided but all are welcome to attend for his hour's task on Scarborough beach. It will be great to get sand once again between toes and paws.

A shop 'Halloween Window Display' event in Horsforth will be run for the first time - a competition for the best shop(s) with prizes and certificates.

Our annual C & V organised evening event will take place at the end of March 2023 - function type and venue but it will not be fish and chips this time.

There will be an Easter Egg jar competition of some kind as for the previous 2 years

It is intended to run Stroke awareness during the year though the timing is not yet determined. Venue will be Yeadon Town Hall during a coffee morning between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. 

The Friends of Guiseley Cemetery are now into their 17th year. Barry Bootland will give the Club a presentation, particularly for the benefit of newer members on an appropriate date early in 2023.

Small amounts of money have been brought in by this Committee over the past year and this will continue in 2022/23. Sponsorship is also being sought but is difficult to obtain in the current financial climate.

This plan is flexible and no doubt will be subject to change with other smaller events added. Our local M.P. Stuart Andrew has offered to attend any future events subject to his availability.

I look forward to chairing this Committee in the coming year intending to keep members both engaged and entertained in bringing benefits to our local communities.

Sally Mohan




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Community and Vocational pages:

Frank Renton - ready to face the music

Brass Band Concert Sunday 27th October at Yeadon Town Hall

more A Festival of Brass Band Music with the HEPWORTH BAND conducted by FRANK RENTON