In our local community - Events and Projects

Supporting the local community with hands-on projects and activities.

  • We organise events and activities to support the local community and raise funds.
  • We support local charities eg: the Daisy Appeal, Marie Curie, Parkinson's UK, Dove House Hospice, HERIB
  • We support initiatives in local schools, such as literacy programmes, interviewing skills and career insight days.
  • We are a sponsor club for a local Rotakids Club in a Hull primary school.
  • We support Rotary International projects, such as End Polio Now, and have purchased shelter boxes to provide shelter and necessities to people who are affected by conflict or natural disasters. 
  • We have supported Robin Naylor's River Aire Challenge, whereby he travelled by canoe for 112 miles ending up near the Humber Bridge, and drinking water from the River via an Aqua Box, raising money for Aqua Boxes.
  • We support local homeless people by providing warm clothing during the cold winter months.
  • We have raised money for Cat Zero, which is a local project supporting young people, often not in work, employment or education, to increase their confidence levels and develop invaluable life and employability skills.
  • We have supported and encouraged young people's participation in Youth Speaks, Young Chef and our Young Achiever Award.
  • We have supported the District Disability Games, running new age kurling tournaments.
  • We have sorted donations in the local hospice's warehouse.
  • We have wrapped Christmas presents in local shopping centres in exchange for a donation to local charities.
  • We have organised a number of social events, which have also raised funds for local charities, such as pig raising events, games evenings and wine-tasting evenings.

 Supporting the Legacy Games for people with a disability


In our local community - Events and Projects pages:

Interact and Rotary Kids

more We are pleased to sponsor and support a Rotary Kids Club at Francis Askew School in Hull and a new Interact Club at Hull Trinity House Academy.

Providing warm clothing to the homeless

more Members will once again be donating warm clothing in lieu of sending Christmas cards. Donations will be given to Dock House which is run by the Hull Homeless and Rootless Project (Hull HARP).

Christmas Present wrapping at St Stephen's

more We wrapped Christmas presents in return for donations to the President's charities.

Our new Wheel of Fortune

more Member and past president Jim has put his handiwork talents into practice again to construct a Wheel of Fortune.

Legacy Disability Games in Hull

more New age kurling and boccia competitions for disabled participants.

Mock Interviews at Hessle High School

more Taking place at Hessle High School