Midlothian Women In Scottish First For Rotary

Tue, Jun 28th 2011 at 12:00 am -

Midlothian Women In Scottish First For Rotary

Midlothian Women in Scottish first for Rotary

Captains of industry, now leaders of Rotary one more quantum leap for women in Scotland. And Esk Valley Rotary Club is leading the field as their front four will, for the first time in Scotland, consist entirely of women.

Leading the charge is Audrey ... who has now been installed as President to be followed by Beth Thomson as Senior Vice President and Fiona Martin and Elaine Henderson as Junior Vice Presidents.

Beth will take over as President in 2012, with Fiona following her in 2013 and Elaine in 2014. So, for the next four years Esk Valley Rotary Club will be run by women - the first time this has ever happened in Scotland!

"I don't think it was a conscious decision to elect only female members as the senior office bearers" says Audrey. We're all just members, and our club has always had a high percentage of female members, so everyone is used to having women on the team. It's nice to think, however, that we're blazing a bit of a trail for Rotary in Scotland, and I hope it will encourage more women to join.
A lot of people still think Rotary is just for old men, but that's no longer the case. Rotary is a great organisation that helps so many people, both at home and around the world, but at the same time it's a wonderfully social association that's lots of fun and where you can make many friends.

Elaine who is also the webmaster for the Club says Have a look at our website, or our Facebook page, and you will get a flavour of what we get up to!

Anyone interested in coming along to one of Esk Valley Rotarys meetings can contact Audrey through the club website.

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