Reports 2010/11

Mon, Sep 20th 2010 at 12:00 am -

This page contains monthly Committee reports

13 July

(a)       Dave had just had a meeting with his committee and it was agreed that the gate collection at the Braw Lads Sports had gone very well, but as far as is known the cheque has still not been received.

(b)       The Melrose Pipe Band Championships are next month and it is intended that there will be a meeting with Ian Graham to try and eliminate the slight problems we had last year.

(c)       The Big Band Concert is arranged for Saturday, 23rd October, 2010 and everything is booked.   It is hoped to have a meeting with the Lavender Club to finalise arrangements.

(d)       Bill's Lunch is scheduled for 28th March, 2011. 

14 September 

(a)       Dave reported that  Club's participation in the Melrose Pipe Band Championships had gone well and wished to thanks all who helped on the day.   Of course this included the ladies of Inner Wheel.   The cheque is expected shortly.

(b)       The duties for Selkirk Vintage Car Rally on Sunday, 19th September have been allocated. (Twocar parks.)

(c)       The Big Band Concert arrangements are well in hand for Saturday, 23rd October, 2010.   Tickets have been distributed for sale and posters are due to go out soon.   Raffle prizes will be needed.

(d)       Dave wished to express his thanks to everyone who turned out to help the Melrose Club at the Archery/Crafts Fair at Abbotsford last Saturday. 

(e)       On the vocational front the Committee are looking at the possibility of visits to the new Lauder Primary School; Langlee Re-Cycling Centre and Heriot Watt University.

(f)        Arrangements are in hand for the Senior Citizens night next March.   The band has been booked, as well as the venue and Gala Wheels have been contacted.

(g)       It is thought that an approach could be made to schools with the 'Thanks for Life' project.

11 January 

(a)    Dave wished to record his thanks and appreciation to everyone who turned out at the Carol Service in Bank Street Gardens on Christmas Eve, but especially thanks to Bill Zawadecky for organising the event and to Duncan McCosh for conducting the Service.    Whilst the crowd was down on previous years due to inclement weather, the collection of

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